  • Bangalore
Service Type:  Creative conceptualization and production
Service Include:  Logo Design, Brochures/Catalogs Design, Newsletter/magazine Design, Posters Design, Packaging Design, Annual Reports
 Budget:  Low-Medium
Client Type:  SME
Work Type:  Retainer and Project basis

Client List-

Considered as one of the best strategic advertising agencies, Circuit 9 has worked with several clients like Toyota, KingFisher, TOI, Snow City, Orange Plus, Accord, Think Wright, etc. You can have a complete look at case studies of their previous clients by clicking on The Client List. 

Service Description-

Some of the key services provided by Circuit 9 are:

  • Brand Management– Circuit 9 can help brands creating their identity and also with brand research, brand messaging, brand positioning, brand strategy.
  • Creatives services: Circuit 9 can help brands in creating their corporate identity/logo from stage one of the ideation to the final stage of positioning.
    Following are the other creative services that Circuit 9 can help brands with-
  • Brochures/Catalogs
    Annual Reports
    Direct Mailers
    CD/DVD Jackets
    Print ads
  • Social media marketing: Circuit 9 can help brands with creating social media strategy and handling the complete execution.

Company Description-

Circuit 9 is a strategic advertising agency in Bangalore.

Circuit 9 will understand your requirements thoroughly and provide you the creative and strategic solutions from the starting point of the ideation to the final stage of the execution.

Circuit 9 works both as a retainer as well as a project basis.

  • Category : Graphic Designing
  • Corporate identity/ logo design
  • Brochures/Catalogs
  • Annual reports
  • newsletter/magazine
  • DirectMailer, Posters
  • Packaging Design
  • Radio jingle development



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